April 7, 2020 - COVID-19 Update

Hi everyone. Here is a short update on what’s going on for VBSD. 

We will be postponing our AGM until it is safe to do so as per Manitoba Public Health Officials. And email will be sent in advance to all members. 

We hadn’t yet officially announced this event, but unfortunately we are cancelling our Bud, Spud and Rib fundraiser for now, due to COVID-19, but will be working with the Birchwood Motor Hotel on securing a future date for our fundraiser. We had also scheduled several Thursday evening meat draws, but those are also temporarily cancelled. 

As always, for current updates please follow up on our website or Facebook: VBSnowdrifters

The VBSD thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you all again once it is safe to do so.

Please stay safe and take care of yourself and family.


Barbra Kania, President